After checking your library account, the staff will digitally sign the routing slip and forward it to the student service. Bitte informieren Sie sich zum aktuellen Stand unter den, letzte Änderung: Especially in high-use lavatories, however, it may happen that soap and tissues are used up or that some users do not leave the lavatories in a way we would want them to do. The crisis management team has been asked repeatedly to answer questions regarding the necessity of keeping lists of participants. Which Arrangements Have Been Made for On-campus Academic Education? Diskussion 'Regelstudienzeit Bachelor Wing KIT' Warum dieses Thema beendet wurde Die Schließung eines Themas geschieht automatisch, wenn das Thema alt ist und es länger keine neuen Beiträge gab. The Health Authority will then contact the teacher of the course and ask for the hygiene concept and its observation. Lecturers having questions with respect to examination legislation may contact their departments or DE HAA. What should I consider? in public transport, shops, or restaurants, etc. Risk encounters are defined by the app as encounters with a person tested positive for the coronavirus. In the view of the state government, one generally speaks of unauthorized absence from work under § 68 (1) of the Federal Law on Public Servants (Landesbeamtengesetz - LBG) if civil servants who have to stay in quarantine after returning from vacation in a risk area do not safeguard their ability to work. Contrary to expectations, the planned vacation care for my child is not available: A claim for compensation according to the Infection Protection Act is not provided for vacation care - even if the planned vacation care fails to take place. Community masks do not offer reliable protection against the inhalation of aerosol particles, i.e. This creates aerosol particles that can stay in the air for a long time. Read more: KIT Scientific Publishing and the KIT Media Center are closed as well. Damit die Studierenden im Sommersemester 2020 durch die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie keine Nachteile erfahren, wird die individuelle Regelstudienzeit einmalig um ein Semester verlängert. International students from third countries can ask at the International Students Office for certificates for (re-)entering Germany for studies. If, despite reopening of the daycare facility, there are serious problems with the compatibility of work and family life, please contact your supervisor or your superior to find out whether it is possible to extend working from home. If urgent business reasons make it necessary to travel to a foreign risk area, a compulsory occupational health provision in accordance with G35 is indicated in advance. These include, above all, nighttime curfew restrictions between 20:00 and 05:00, which will come into force on December 12. Er verweist auf ein Bündel von Maßnahmen, das die Hochschule umsetze, um Studierenden in der Corona-Krise zu helfen: "Man kann sich bis einen Tag vor der Klausur davon abmelden. Klausuren im WS 20/21: Die Klausurtermine wurden unter Einhaltung der geltenden Abstandsregeln KIT-weit geplant. The KIT intends to use these possibilities especially for courses specifically aimed at first-year students in order to make it easier for them to start their studies, where getting to know the campus and social exchange among each other are particularly important. Regierung will längere Regelstudienzeit wegen Corona 10.12.2020 . Persons entering and leaving the examination rooms are obligated to use a mouth/nose protection. Das KIT unterstützt bei der Bewältigung der Coronakrise mit Forschungs- und Sachbeiträgen und wissenschaftlich-technischen Dienstleistungen. Ihr Studium an der KIT-Fakultät für Architektur beginnt in der Woche vor Vorlesungsbeginn mit der obligatorischen O-Phase, einer intensiven Orientierungs- und Kennenlern-Woche, die das Dekanat gemeinsam mit den Fachschaften Architektur und Kunstgeschichte veranstaltet (siehe unten). What has to be considered for future studies at the KIT? Gerade in Zeiten von Corona ist es wichtig, Virusinfektionen schnell und eindeutig zu diagnostizieren. Jeder Arbeitgeber hat einen sozialen Auftrag gegenüber seinen Beschäftigten. We ask you to respect the prescribed seating arrangement and not to change it arbitrarily. Depending on the conditions at the workplace, protective measures may therefore be required, which the management of the organizational units will take after a risk assessment of the workplace has been completed. 1 No. This means, for example, that students can participate in the sessions without activating their microphones or webcams and without having to give their real names. What is the planning state for the examinations in the 2020 summer semester? Die Umsetzung erfolgt zentral, und es müssen keine Anträge gestellt werden. This must be documented by the examiner or supervising person and the responsible examination committee must be informed accordingly. Please ask at the International Students Office for the appropriate application form. So ist es verständlich, dass du versuchst, möglichst schnell zum Bachelor oder Master zu kommen. If you have  questions regarding the registration or crediting processes, please contact your academic advisors. The orders given by the health authority must be obeyed. Provided that the symptoms have been clarified by the family doctor, an infection with the corona virus has been ruled out, and the family doctor states that the respective person is capable of working, he or she may return to work even if slight residual symptoms still exist. The number of examination attempts to which the students are entitled shall remain the same. Please do not go to work but instead go home and inform your family doctor by telephone. According to Article 19 BBiG, this also applies to trainees. COVID-19 Digital studieren in Zeiten von Corona. After the examination, students must leave the building separately and go away quickly. If the study and examination regulations stipulate a deadline for taking the re-examination, this will be extended by one or two semesters, depending on the course of study. In order to fulfil the information obligations under data protection law (Articles 12 ff DS-GVO), we request you to observe the data protection declaration. How can I get in touch with my contact person at Human Resources (Personalservice PSE)? In all cases listed above, flexitime credits may be used up or vacation may be taken to avoid loss of payment. In view of the current and future examination periods as well as on account of the fact that on-campus teaching partly takes place again, we would like to ask you to check and, if necessary, update your data stored in the Studiportal. In accordance with the resolutions of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany, the KIT ensures that not using cloud-based services will not be sanctioned (such ensuring is provided for e.g., by guaranteeing that students will not be blamed for exceeding deadlines due to not using cloud-based courses or exams). If address and telephone number are already available (usually assumed for KIT employees and students), the data need not be collected separately. Information on how to get to dm-arena for examinations: Due to track work in Rheinstetten during the examination period, tram line S2 will stop at Mühlburger Tor. Regelstudienzeit: Näheres zu diesem Thema in den FAQs des KIT. If the 20 days of paid leave have already been claimed, the entitlement to compensation under § 56 (1a)(2) IfSG shall be exhausted. For this reason, the Legal Notes of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Finance on Civil Servants’ Dealing with the Corona Virus (Rechtliche Hinweise des Innenministeriums und des Finanzministeriums zum Umgang mit dem Corona-Virus für Beamtinnen und Beamte, in German only, as of May 27, 2020) expressly state that civil servants must clarify before the start of their journey how their ability to work after returning home can be ensured. How do I get a new one? For details, please refer to:, According to the corona ordinances relevant to KIT, face masks must be worn at KIT, There is no obligation to wear a face mask. Informationen rund um die Maßnahmen des KIT und der KIT-Fakultät für Architektur zur Corona-Vorsorge und die damit einhergehenden Einschränkungen und Änderungen im Studienbetrieb finden Sie auf dieser Website: ... Sie studieren mit einer Regelstudienzeit von 6 … Professor Franze erforscht, wie mechanische Kräfte das Wachstum von Nervenzellen beeinflussen. Data collection: What must be observed according to data protection legislation? Die Sorge, dass zwar Arbeitgeber mit Mitteln zur Aufrechterhaltung des Betriebs versorgt werden, die Angestellten die Krise aber ausbaden müssen, ist nicht unberechtigt. 1 and cl. Aber ich denke im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen und Bereichen sind diese Einschränkungen durch Corona sehr gering und tragbar. According to §7 of the Corona Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg, typical symptoms include: Fever, dry cough, olfactory disorders, and taste disorders. Die vorlesungsfreie Zeit vor Beginn des Sommersemesters 2021 verkürzt sich damit um eine Woche von acht auf sieben Wochen. What is to be done in the case of a Covid-19 infection at KIT? Die Frist zum Ablegen der Orientierungsprüfung wird für Studienanfängerinnen bzw. Students there have their individualized standard periods of study extended by one semester and the summer semester is not counted as a term (irrespective  of a leave of absence). Kritik von Grünen und SPD in Sachsen: "Ausgangssperre absolut unverhältnismäßig" 25.11.2020 . In addition, employees and partners having a KIT account can use the web form of the ticket system in the Intranet. Students are free to contact their lecturers, the deans’ offices, or the staff of the Students Office. Sie war als Rechtsanspruch für Studenten gedacht, um nicht während ihres Studiums die Streichung ihres Faches aus dem Angebot der Universität befürchten zu müssen. Basic or continued education - the database presents interested parties with educational opportunities related to climate research. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. There is no question, however, that the Corona App is especially helpful on the way to work and in many other situations. The CoronaVO provides that there may be exceptions for examinations and practical courses. Therefore, flexitime credits or vacation or, if these are used up, vacation for other reasons, accepting loss of payment (§ 31 para.