When Saturn transits square or opposition the Sun, we may experience some form of disillusionment with regards to an important person in our life, with authority figures, with personal plans and achievements, or with aspects of our own personality. You may find you need to break from an aspect of your tradition, but it is difficult to do. The adjustments that you make now can touch you and others at the very core, and assist you to commit to a fulfilling path. Eine Neuorientierung zu wagen, unproduktive Angelegenheiten abzustoßen und durch sinnvolle zu ersetzen. Transiting Saturn is conjunct my progressed Moon in the 12th and Pluto is squaring both, which are conjunct the Ascendant. By doing this, you can attain enduring results although it requires that you recognize the difference between what is important and what is dispensable. When that natal planet is Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, or Mars, we feel the effects in a personal way depending on the planet involved. This cycle often makes you uncomfortable with some of its demands. Manipulation der Gesellschaft und soziale Umformungen, sind ein Kennzeichen vom Saturn Pluto Quadrat. This time is a unique opportunity to get inside your defenses and shielding, what you might use to keep others from seeing and getting into your heart, and learn … Im Weiteren sind häufige und schwere gesundheitliche Krisen zu beobachten. This is in the charts of all young people born in 1993 and 1994. Wenn man das nicht selbst tut, wird man durch äußere Einflüsse wohl dazu getrieben. PLUTO TRANSITING YOUR 11TH HOUSE (approx. SATURN CONJUNCT PLUTO --Dec/Jan 2019-20 We are going to repeat the Saturn/Pluto conjunction and it will be felt strongly as they move within 2-3 degrees from each other from Dec. 15, 2019 to Feb. 15, 2020. Events may offer you insight into the use and the abuse of power when issues of control and manipulation form the foundation of any agreement or disagreement. Bei Saturn Transit Pluto kommt es zu Einschränkungen durch äußere Einflüsse, insbesondere finanzieller und beruflicher Art. Saturn square Uranus transit occurs about every fourteen years and can bring about change that you don’t want. You may discontinue old friendships and begin new ones with individuals who share your ideals and who you trust. For Entertainment purposes only. Transit or solar arc Pluto conjunct, square or opposite natal Saturn is often associated with a threat of loss in any area of life. So erlebt man momentan eine ziemlich frustrierende Zeit.In diesem Falle würde es gut tun, den Kampf besser aufzugeben. They are 24-25 years old now in 2017 and in 2018-2020 they will be 26 to 28 years old. Die innerlich unterdrückten Energien könnten sich explosionsartig, v. a. aber zerstörerisch entladen. Aufgrund bestimmter Situationen oder Personen, die gewünschte Umstrukturierungen blockieren. Contact with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are felt over longer periods. This page is one of many thousand pages at Astrodienst's website. Insbesondere finanzieller Art wird diese Konstellation zu spüren sein, weshalb es derzeit auch wichtig ist, so zu haushalten, dass die grundlegenden Dinge abgedeckt sind. Bei einer Saturn Konjunktion zu Pluto im Transit kann man sich nicht so entfalten wie man gerne möchte, weil man mit unzureichenden Mitteln zurechtkommen muss. If you tend to force things, however, you probably encounter defiance. Zugleich scheinen einem Neider und Konkurrenten im Nacken zu sitzen, die nur auf den eigenen Arbeitsausfall warten, um die gewünschte Machtposition zu erreichen. Your resources may dwindle during this transit. Unter einem Saturn Quadrat zu Pluto im Transit will man gewisse Vorstellungen umsetzen, bei denen einem derzeit aber ständig etwas oder jemand dazwischen kommt. Doch sollte man sich dabei vor explosionsartigen Ausbrüchen hüten, um nicht noch mehr Chaos zu verbreiten, sondern vielmehr strukturiert vorgehen. Doch wenn man ebenso an den misslungenen Bereichen festhält, wird man wohl die erfolgreichen verlieren. Pluto Square Saturn - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. In time, you tend to recognize clearly that what you released during this period was in your best interest no matter what your attachment. Yet it can mark a turning point in your life where you become more aligned with a defining purpose. Often it is those in authority who can oppose your most urgent desires and may motivate you to stand up for yourself, especially if you normally are reluctant to make a statement. To understand a Pluto transit we need to understand Pluto. Das ist wohl der Grund, warum man derzeit auch so erfolgreich ist. An objective of this cycle is to concentrate your energies on what is worth pursuing and on battles worth fighting. Saturn Return Reading with Dru Ish. Saturn Transits. Vermutlich sind die Arbeitsumstände im Moment kaum zufriedenstellend. Free Online Astrology, Synastry Chart Aspects, Meanings and Interpretations. Likewise, the serious challenges caused by the transformation means that nothing can be kept … Man sollte jetzt einmal alles reflektieren und wirklich bei Licht betrachten. It is the planet of Scorpi Bei diesem Saturn Transit zu Pluto baut man sich ein geordnetes und besonders stabiles Umfeld. Man muss jetzt einfach stark bleiben und sich durchbeißen. Get your free horoscope - and much more! It could be a creative destruction in that it opens the way for a new beginning, but nevertheless it feel formidable. This is a time of conclusions in your life after Saturn’s Transit that occurred 7 and 14 years ago. Lenormand Tarot Engelkarte ziehen Kartenlegen online Liebesorakel kostenlos Astrologie. Any transformation occurs at a very deep and real level. Pluto Square Saturn - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. Deine spirituelle Welt! Some more Interpretations of Transit Saturn Opposition Pluto from our astrology reports and readings: Incredible, how interesting and amazing 'spot on!' Every 7 years or so, Saturn will transit conjunct, square, or opposite a natal planet. Pluto Square Saturn Meaning, Synastry Chart Aspect, Free Astrology Interpretations. Whatever leaves usually is not needed, however, even if it appears otherwise. Saturn Quadrat oder Opposition Pluto. You need to step back and give yourself some space, otherwise you’ll miss out on everything. Pluto Transiting the Houses Pluto Capricorn in the First House (House of Aries and Mars) Affectations picked up out of habit, are exposed to toxic behavior, and it's time to strip away these phony layers.Radical changes in style and body are possible, as overlays (superficial traits, body armor (fat) are eliminated. Saturn Pluto Quadrat. Es wäre ratsam, den derzeitigen Beschränkungen vielleicht eine tiefere Bedeutung beizumessen. I have some doozies with Pluto conjunct my progressed Sun and squaring my Ascendant. Willow, you've said pretty much what I have been feeling about the fear and loneliness and Pluto transits. The owner got the attention of some powerful investors and got the money to hire a 50 person sales team along with the rest of the company. Genau diese sollten jetzt aussortiert werden, denn es ist an der Zeit, einen Neuanfang mit einer neuen Struktur zu wagen. The two planets were very close together last March. In 2018 to 2020, the transit of Pluto will be crossing the exact Neptune/Uranus conjunction at 20-22 Capricorn. Transiting Pluto Conjunct the Sun: This causes an identity crisis or metamorphosis of self-image. Möglicherweise punktet man damit bei den Vorgesetzten und kann sich schon bald über einen beruflichen Aufstieg freuen. Unter einem Saturn Quadrat zu Pluto im Transit will man gewisse Vorstellungen umsetzen, bei denen einem derzeit aber ständig etwas oder jemand dazwischen kommt. It’s a transit like this that will show you the real scale of things. When Saturn transits natal Pluto with a stressful aspect (conjunction, square, or opposition) the people you meet are not likely to be of the highest caliber, especially those governed by the house that Pluto is in, or the house that it rules (the house with the sign of Scorpio on the cusp). Others are likely to challenge your attempts to remake the rules. Die Dinge, die ohnehin gut laufen, sollten natürlich beibehalten werden. Meaning is more recognizable now if only because meaningless pursuits are no longer adequate. Man ist nun gezwungen, sich genau auf etwas zu fokussieren, weil man nicht über die gewohnten Bewegungsmöglichkeiten verfügt. In your natal chart, Pluto’s house position is more important than his sign position because, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Pluto is a slow planet. The Sun represents the life force. Außerdem ist man gerade wohl sehr knapp bei Kasse und muss bereits mit den Zahlen jonglieren.Es kommt einem so vor, als würde man an einer extrem kurzen Leine gehalten.Je mehr man gegen diese Beschränkungen ankämpft, desto schlimmer scheint alles zu werden. Sobald bestimmte Arbeiten einen psychisch oder physisch überfordern würden, zieht man die Reißleine und geht keinen Schritt weiter. Wenn man selbst erfolgreich ist, dann erlebt man jetzt eine v. a. körperlich anstrengende Zeit, in der man von der Arbeit nahezu eingeholt wird. Transiting Pluto square natal Saturn. While occasionally it seems unfair, a longer-term perspective can help to appreciate the deeper intent. Dabei besteht aber der Wunsch nach Veränderung, weshalb man vehement versucht, gegen diese Blockaden anzukämpfen. Saturn represents the structures and limitations of your life, and what you need to do in order to be true to yourself and build the life you want. It potentially unlocks personal power and creativity, that's been going into your life before. Still, this transit carries potential for extreme empowerment of ambition. Many people born in the same period have Pluto … Bei einer Saturn Opposition zu Pluto im Transit ist man zwischen Rückzug und Kampf hin- und hergerissen. Saturn’s influence is felt more acutely and in the form of a challenge when Saturn transits square or opposition to a personal planet. Menschen mit diesem Quadrat erleben viele tiefgreifende Veränderungen in ihrem sozialen Umfeld. Klug wäre es, sich für die Untergebenen unverzichtbar zu machen, sodass diese von selbst aufgeben.Läuft es jedoch weniger erfolgreich, scheint sich dieser Zustand jetzt nur noch zu verstärken. Pluto transits can be excruciating. While you may have to lose in order to gain, it is probable that you can emerge from this in a stronger position than before. Here are some ways the aspects can play out. Während dieses Saturn Transits kommt es zu tiefgreifenden Veränderungen, die meist mit Trennungen und Neuanfängen einhergehen. saturn transit pluto, saturn transit natal pluto, saturn opposition pluto synastry, saturn opposition pluto transit, saturn opposition pluto composite, saturn opposition pluto natal chart, saturn opposition pluto relationship, saturn opposition pluto libra, saturn opposition pluto scorpio, saturn opposition pluto virgo, saturn opposition pluto virgo, saturn opposition pluto scorpio, composite saturn opposition pluto. Hard to say how this might manifest, but it might be a result of the death of your inflation. When Saturn transits natal Pluto it encourages you to learn more about your … Gefühlskälte, böse Instinkte, Brutalität, Grausamkeit, keine Moral. But it does not have to be like that. Deshalb sollte man darauf achten, nicht vor lauter Wut und Frust noch über die eigenen Füße zu stolpern und sich die Knochen zu brechen. It was so accurate. It is important to look at what happened to you during these years as it can reflect greatly on how you feel right now and the right direction to head in the future. You can feel quite determined to get over an obstacle. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in the 9th house: This transit it liable to transform your beliefs. Man konzentriert sich auf eine Sache, wofür auch alles gegeben wird. Dann kann dieser Saturn Transit äußerst produktiv sein, andernfalls aber sehr zerstörerisch wirken. Sometimes this is a significant period since it can force you to focus on only what is necessary to the exclusion of all else. When Pluto transits your natal Saturn, it can mean a state of psychological transformation that influences and connects many experiences in life, depending on the position of natal Saturn and its aspects with the other planets. The 10th house rules your career, goals, and direction, so with transit Pluto in the 10th house, you can experience power struggles and control issues within your career, especially if you don’t care for the career you’re in, become tragically ambitious and obsessed with achieving and succeeding, are overly difficult on yourself for perceived failures, and can become … Looking on the bright side, a transit of Pluto to the Sun is like a crash (remedial) course in the true self. It can feel as if the gates of hell are opening underneath your feet and the more you hold on to something and obsessively try to protect it, the more you can be sure Pluto will take away just that. AstroSeek, Free … As a Neo-Vedic astrologer, I cannot deny the power of Pluto and have experienced it too Pluto transits to your Chiron ask you face the worst of your childhood wounding and self-esteem issues, challenging you to powerfully step forward and accept all that you feel and have felt throughout your entire life. 14-30 years duration) During this period you may desire revolutionary changes in society based upon technological advances, social ideals, or political objectives. Momentan ist man sich seiner Fähigkeiten und Möglichkeiten absolut bewusst, welche auch effektiv genutzt werden, aber nur soweit die Kräfte reichen. Aufgrund bestimmter Situationen oder Personen, die gewünschte Umstrukturierungen blockieren. If you were born close to a major phase of Saturn and Pluto, especially the conjunction (1947-48, 1982-83), opposition (1964-65, 2001-03), waxing square (1955-56, 1993-94), or waning square (1973-74, 2010-11), then your life is likely tied in some general way to this cycle, especially if you were born with Saturn or Pluto angular, or with the Sun and Moon in hard aspects to Saturn and Pluto. Es ist jetzt an der Zeit, einmal richtig aufzuräumen. Daher sind diese Transite zwar einerseits sehr anstrengend, letztendlich aber erfolgreich. Usually life is easier when you realize that after something finishes, space is available for something new to take its place. Alte Muster und Ordnungen werden verworfen und durch ein neues Lebenskonzept ersetzt. Saturn represents, authority, limits and structure. Free Online Astrology, Transit Chart Aspects, Meanings and Interpretations. Die verfügbaren Energien werden nicht vergeudet, sondern für ganz bestimmte Dinge gezielt eingesetzt, wo diese am nützlichsten und produktivsten sind. Bedeutungsvolle Diskussionen, geistige Aktivität und sinnvolle Tätigkeiten wirken nun unterstützend – unbedeutende Ausgeh-Bekanntschaften und oberflächliche Freundschaften werden zur Last. In dieser Zeit sollte man neu aufbauen, nutzlose Angelegenheiten hinter sich lassen und nur noch auf Produktives konzentrieren. This reading is for those entering or submerged in their Saturn Return. Seriöse Lebensberatung am Telefon.Wir haben Antwort auf all Deine Fragen.>>>alte Berater-Seite<<<, Luftzeichen = Zwilling, Waage, Wassermann. Womöglich sind diese dazu nütze, einen nur in die richtige Richtung zu lenken und aufzuzeigen, welche Wege falsch wären. Saturn Square Uranus Transit. Transit Pluto to Natal Saturn With transit Pluto conjunct your natal Saturn, you can be obsessed with a goal, to the detriment of everything else in your life. Frustration is likely if others hold you back from what you want. Pluto will sich vom Bedeutungslosen trennen und das Wahrhafte ins Leben holen, ein Pluto Transit zeigt also Zeiten an, in denen wir uns massiv verändern dürfen. You will be forced to honestly confront areas of life where you had been holding on to illusions. For example, you may believe you are the center of the world. Saturn returning to the position it was when we were born marks a time of maturation when we’re 28.5, and an initiation into the position of Elder when 57-60. Saturn transits to your natal Pluto test your resilience and ability to renew resources and make a social and personal transformation. You can work very hard at your job and able to move forward to fulfill your ambitions. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 Astro-Seek.com Oft bestehen bei diesen Aspekten verbrecherische Anlagen, zumindest aber die Neigung andere übers Ohr zu hauen. Außerdem verfügt man über außerordentliche Konzentrationskräfte, mit denen Tätigkeiten bewältigt werden, die man sonst vielleicht nie für realisierbar gehalten hätte. Pluto is always about decay and death and rebirth of something. Ignoring cracks in the foundation of your sense of self, relationships, career, or any life area will not be possible now. Generally, this is a time of endings so that a chapter of your life may close now, especially if it is overdue. You feel an intense need to dig beneath the surface and get to the root of matters. Vermutlich sind die Arbeitsumstände im Moment kaum zufriedenstellend. When transiting Saturn conjuncts natal Pluto, you may be called to put in some hard work or to draw upon your self-discipline during the course of this transit. It is possible that this cycle, in its effort to limit you to what is essential, may demand more than you are willing to give. Saturn Trine Natal Pluto You will be having a much greater insight into your own inner workings and the creative forces at work around you. In general, I would not associate and Saturn / Pluto transit as a signifier of death, if you’re talking the person, themselves dying. © Copyright 1998-2021 Veraxs Int'l Inc. All rights reserved. Egal, was man tut, um weiter voranzukommen, es kommen einem ständig irgendwelche Barrieren dazwischen. Since the Mars square Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto aspects can be quite volatile and noticeable (especially the ones with Saturn and Pluto) and we are nearly finished the third and final series of these aspects (Mars (in Taurus) square Saturn (in Aquarius) on Jan. 13, 2021 and Mars square Jupiter on Jan. 23, 2021), below is a compilation of the astrological posts from last year … Transit Pluto Square Saturn Meaning, Transit Chart Aspect, Free Astrology Interpretations. When the aspect was exact, I got offered a dream job opportunity for a start-up company that was looking to go public. Dennoch sollte man auf seine Gesundheit achten, da man sich nahe eines Burn-Outs bewegt. Yet you can accomplish a great deal at this time because you can bring matters to completion, although it often is difficult due to your resistance to change. Es besteht derzeit auch keine Möglichkeit, den derzeitigen Anforderungen und Pflichten zu entgehen. It also makes it harder to make the kind of changes you do want. When Saturn transits natal Pluto the need for security and achievement influences how you use your inner power to evolve on a deep unconscious level. Some people make a huge lifestyle change at this time. Vielleicht werden einem dann auch diejenigen Dinge bewusst, für die man völlig sinnlos Energien verschwendet (hat). A keen awareness of what you have and what you lack may emerge now. Astrodienst AG in Zürich, Switzerland provides the world's best astrology site for free horoscopes, professional astrological reports and information about astrology. It is not so much that it is good to sever certain ties or that it is bad, but that it is mandatory to ensure future growth. In such a case, the outcome is our final evolution and even, our transformation. Brilliant, I feel great about myself now. This has a huge impact on the metaphysical plane. Diese gehen meist mit Enttäuschungen sowie Pflichten und Verantwortlichkeiten einher. If you like to surround yourself with many things, you may find that they lose their appeal or that some are removed altogether. Trace Hapag-Lloyd's and our partner's vessels to find information about the current called port, the voyage or the vessel. This can be a very frustrating time of rising tension and sudden, expected changes. The structure that you have given to your life will change significantly, since these transits inevitably mark the end of one stage and the beginning of another. Vielleicht weil eine Situation oder beispielsweise Obrigkeiten in extremer Weise einengend und begrenzend wirken. It outlines your Saturn Return step by step. When transiting Pluto is square your natal Saturn: The structures of your life are severely challenged now. In 2004 I experienced the Saturn Square Pluto Transit.