To remove a Lifestyle, type traits.remove_trait followed up one of the commands below. Use stats.set_skill_level [skill] [#] to change your Sims' level in these pets abilities: You can use traits.equip_trait Attraction to have your Sim's relationships with animals begin at a higher level. Die Cheat-Codes sollten übrigens sowohl in der PC-Version als auch in der Konsolen-Version auf der PlayStation 4 und Xbox One wie oben beschrieben funktionieren. Praktisch wurde die vorhergehende durch die andere ersetzt. We are not going to judge. My Sims 4 Cheats video will introduce you to cheating, give you a rundown of the most common commands and some tips on using them. Whether you want to grab some extra cash for a complete remodel, need certain skills for your sims, or want to build without worrying about the pesky grid, there's basically a cheat for everything. Use these handy UI cheats to remove game elements from your view or add extra utilities: The Sims 4: Snowy Escape is a Japan-themed expansion pack, letting your Sims vacation or live at Mt. After typing testingCheats true in the cheat console, Shift+Click on your Sims in Live Mode to enroll in university immediately. If you just can't stand starting out with an industrial neighborhood, use eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state [#] with one of these numbers: After typing testingCheats true in the cheat console, Shift+Click on Sims and objects for the following  Eco Lifestyle cheats: Enact or Repeal Neighborhood Action Plans: Shift + Click on your Public Voting Board or Mailbox to instantly enact or repeal a NAP. Sims 4 Cheats for Twin or Triplets. After typing testingCheats true in the cheat console, Shift+Click on your Sims in Live Mode to give them tans and burns or lock the current sun-affected tint of your Sim's skin. NEW - Nifty Knitting Cheats. To max them out to level 10, enter the following codes in the console. sims.get_sim_id_by_name FirstName LastName; Example – sims… If you want to climb the fame ladder, you can use the super simple famepoints [#] which will add the number of fame points to your currently selected Sim. You can change that number to whatever, so go crazy with it. Please refresh the page and try again. [equip/remove]_trait [trait name] to equip or remove any of the following Island Living traits: (Yes, the "trait_" at the beginning IS a part of the trait's name!). Sims 4 cheats With testing cheats on, you can unlock some new Shift-Click menu options on Sims, objects, or the ground. There are three new skills in Snowy Escape: Rock climbing, skiing, and snowboarding. Sims 4 is a very popular game and by 2020, "Electronic Arts" recorded more than 20 million unique players worldwide. Similar to The Sims 2 aspiration system, The Sims 4 allows the player to select from ten available types of aspirations when creating teen or older Sims in Create a Sim, or once a Sim grows up into a teen. Down below you can find the character value cheats and replace the value text in square brackets with an actual number value. There are also a bunch of new cheats specific to the Batuu location, so make sure you're there or most of these cheats won't do anything. Sims 4 is considered to be the best single-player game from the day it was launched. Gibt es eigentlich einen Sims 4 Cheat über den man Belohnungspunkte und Zufriedenheitspunkte bekommen kann? With an object selected you can also press Shift + [ or Shift + ] to make an object smaller or larger. Hinweise: Leerzeichen und Sonderzeichen müssen bei der Cheat-Eingabe beachtet werden. Fame Points contribute to a new kind of skill system in The Sims 4 that dictate different benefits and skills that your Sim can acquire. Most expansions and game packs for The Sims 4 come with their own cheats for the traits, jobs, and deaths unique to that pack. One is The Sims 4 general cheats, focusing on things like needs, relationships, money, and Buy / Build; and the other is focused on The Sims 4 expansion pack cheats. Use either of the two cheats below to set your desired level in Discover University's two new skills. Before you use any of the skill cheats in the Sims 4, you need to make sure you turn cheats mode on. You can't change the season at will after creating a new world, so you'll have to use a cheat instead. To kill your Sims in Seasons-specific ways, use the cheat traits.equip_trait [trait] to turn them into a ghost killed by any of the following: You can use traits.remove_trait [trait] to un-kill your Sims in the same way. Du bist hier: Home Allgemein Sims 4 Belohnungspunkte Cheat. The Sims 4 Build / Buy Mode Cheats. Wenn ja, dann poste es gerne in die Kommentare. On a lot with the "Volcanic Activity" trait, use volcanic_eruption [small/large] to make lava bombs rain from the sky onto your lot. You just entered your first Sims 4 cheat. Unlock All Spellcaster Perks – Sims 4 Realm of Magic Cheats Cheats relating to unlocking Spellcaster Perks require a “Sim ID” number entered into the cheat … Shift click on a Robotics Table to "Spawn Crafting Supplies" which will give you 50 of everything in the current Sim's inventory. Dazu musst Du die Cheat-Konsole öffnen und die Cheats über den Befehl „testingcheats true“ (ohne Anführungszeichen) aktivieren. Wie kann ich eigentlich in Sims 4 die Cheat-Konsole öffnen? Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Create Eco-Updates faster and faster and get more parts when recycling, Must Of The Maker: trait_MasterMaker It can be a vampire, alien or any Sim… Applying the new Character Values and Traits to established Sims is a time-consuming process at best for Children, Toddlers, and Teenagers.. You can also use careers.retire [career] to quit your job and collect a weekly pension. After typing testingCheats true in the cheat console, Shift+Click on Sims and objects for the following Journey to Batuu cheats. Change Faction world states: Shift+Click your Sim, choose Batuu Cheats, then Faction World States, Add Rey/Kylo Ren to your family: Shift+Click Kylo/Rey, choose Add to Family. To add a Lifestyle, type traits.equip_trait and then one of the commands below. This guide has recently been expanded with cheats from various Sims 4 expansions and stuff packs. This will bring up the cheat dialogue box where you can enter cheats. Minecraft commands The Sentiment Cheats down below provide a list of all the Sentiments that there are in The Sims 4 Base Game. Cheat Console and Shift-Clicking. Includes info on getting weather cheats for Seasons players. Want to expand your game further? The Sims 4 trait cheats; For more The Sims 4 cheats, check out our other cheat code lists for the game. Before you work on getting promoted you can also use careers. In the Jungle Adventure expansion you can use "poison" instead. Kill and un-kill your sims. Die allermeisten Sims 4 Cheats müssen zudem mit der Eingabe „testingcheats true“ (oder „testingcheats on“ … Es gibt zwar auch einen Cheat wo man jedesmal beim eingeben des besagten 100 Belohnungspunkte bekommt, aber danach muß man immer noch einen anderen Cheat eingeben (wo die Modlets verschwinden), damit man diesen Cheat nochmals benutzen kann. Tom Sykes, Be aware that you'll obviously have to find either character in Batuu to add them to the family, so make sure your Faction World State is set to the right rank for either the First Order or Resistance. Testing Cheats. So you’ve used skills cheats in The Sims 4, but your Sim just is not getting where you want them to be.If you want to resort to Sims 4 career cheats, that’s okay. sims.add_buff Satisfaction_Points – 100 Zufriedenheitspunkte für den gerade aktiven Sim. There's skiing and snowboarding, hiking and rock-climbing, and some new skills and traits you can earn along the way (or cheat your way to earning). Kein Problem, mit einem Geld-Cheat kannst Du dir im…, PHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vcGFnZWFkMi5nb29nbGVzeW5kaWNhdGlvbi5jb20vcGFnZWFkL2pzL2Fkc2J5Z29vZ2xlLmpzIj48L3NjcmlwdD4KPGlucyBjbGFzcz0iYWRzYnlnb29nbGUiIHN0eWxlPSJkaXNwbGF5OmlubGluZS1ibG9jazt3aWR0aDozMzZweDtoZWlnaHQ6MjgwcHg7IiAKZGF0YS1hZC1jbGllbnQ9ImNhLXB1Yi0wNjEzNzAwMTc4OTE0Mzg5IiAKZGF0YS1hZC1zbG90PSI4MzcyNDM4OTIzIj48L2lucz4gCjxzY3JpcHQ+IAooYWRzYnlnb29nbGUgPSB3aW5kb3cuYWRzYnlnb29nbGUgfHwgW10pLnB1c2goe30pOyAKPC9zY3JpcHQ+Cg==, Cheat-Konsole auf der PS4 und Xbox One öffnen, Sims 4 Cheat-Konsole öffnen (PC, PS4 und Xbox One), Die Sims 4 Geld-Cheat für PS4 und Xbox One, Twitch Recap 2020 anzeigen: Jahresrückblick sehen, AC Valhalla: Der Tag an dem das Bier verschwand. The Sims 4 Skill Cheats Players can alter a Sim's skill level by entering stats.set_skill_(skill name)_X. The Sims 4: Money Tree (Seasons) - Ultimate Sims Guides - […] a cheat to unlock the ability to purchase the money fruit or the money tree. These being: Hold Shift and C then click the roof for additional options; Shift and ] to increase selected object size Shift and [to decrease selected object sizeMake sure you use testingcheats true before trying to input other cheats. Free Batuu items: Shift+Click your Sim, choose Batuu Cheats, and then Give Batuu Items. [add/remove]_career [Education/Engineering/Law] to get the job you'd like. To save your Sims from death entirely, use death.toggle [true/false]. Till 2020, more than 20 million players played sims 4 across all the platforms (Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, or Xbox One). Instead, you can use the Sims 4 Age Up Cheat! Each season is represented by a number: You can also use seasons.advance_season to go forward in time by just one season. One of the first things you might be compelled to do with Eco Lifestyle cheats is change your neighborhood's Eco Footprint. X is the required skill level value, up to a maximum of ten. Note that enabling cheats will disable Xbox achievements and PlayStation trophies! You can do this… The Sims 4: PlantSims & How to Become One - Ultimate Sims Guides - […] can also use the buy debug cheat which is bb.showhiddenobjects to purchase yourself a Forbidden Fruit of the PlantSim… To enter Cheat Codes in The Sims 4, you must first open the Cheat Console by pressing “Ctrl + Shift + C” on your PC or Mac, while in game. Belohnungspunkte cheaten in Sims 4. There was a problem. Note that the "1000" at the end is the amount of Galactic Credits that you're giving your Sim. Sims 4 Cheats aktivieren: So aktiviert ihr die Cheat-Konsole Bevor ihr Sims 4 Cheats nutzen könnt, müsst ihr zunächst die Cheatkonsole eurer Spieleplattform öffnen. After pressing Control + Shift + C, enter testingcheats on into the console that appears in the top left corner of the screen. Aside from the codes below, there are some extra cheats you can use for Buy / Buy mode. Use careers.promote [career] to rank your Sim up in one of the Seasons careers: Use stats.set_skill_level [skill] [#] to set your Sim's proficiency in these Seasons skills: With traits.equip_trait [trait] you can also make your Sims invulnerable to some Seasons-specific damage types (like lightning strikes). Öffne die Cheat-Konsole über die Tastenkombination STRG-Taste + Shift-Taste + C-Taste. For death and resurrection cheats related to other expansion packs, check the sections below! The Sims 4 Cheats Codes . Christopher Livingston To do this, we will be entering the code testingcheats on into the console. Learn all about the stuff pack on my guide page here. This cheat is great for gaining full control over the lives of your Sims, especially your protagonists. Ten is the max, but you're looking to set it to a particular value, just replace the 10 with any number between 1 and 9. Before you are able to use any of these relationship cheats you must enable cheats. [add/remove]_career [career] with either of the following career cheat codes: In order to become a better freelance maker, you'll want to increase your Fabrication skill. Die Auswahl an Cheat-Codes ist dabei sehr groß und die Auswahl beschränkt sich nicht nur auf klassische Geld-Cheats oder Beziehungen-Cheats, sondern es gibt beispielsweise auch für die Zufriedenheitspunkte und die Belohnungspunkte einen Cheat-Code. Another crazy cheat you need to try is adding a random Sim into your household. The Sim 4 world and UI cheats. You can also substitute "Overheat" for "Frozen" or "Lightning". If you prefer, you can also watch a video about secrets in Sims 4. See below: These cheats are for the new traits in Snowy Escape. To add a trait, first type Traits.Equip_Trait and then one of the codes below. Get Influence: Shift + Click your Public Voting Board or Mailbox and choose "Give Sim Influence+15" to gain 15 Influence. Wie man die Cheat-Konsole auf der PS4 und Xbox One öffnen kann, dass haben wir schon einmal in einem anderen Artikel beschrieben. It's unclear what cheats don't work at this point (The official Sims 4 FAQ said not all cheats work with the console version), but most do.. How to Use The Sims 4 Cheat … We've listed many of them here! 16 November 2020. Like the game’s other expansions, Cats and Dogs has a whole host of cheats that impact a … It was first launched in 2014 for Microsoft Windows and was developed by an electronic arts division "Maxis". Ark: Survival Evolved cheats. The gameplay of sims 4 is very interesting, you have to control and built a … If your Sims have the same problem making friends that I have in real life, the cheat console code relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others will instantly introduce your Sim to all their neighbors. © For all your other deadly designs, use the following: sims.add_buff Ghostly will turn your sim into a ghost for 4 in-game hours. You will receive a verification email shortly. For an even easier icebreaker, relationships.create_friends_for_sim will spawn a new Sim on the lot already already friends with yours. To get your pet's ID (you monster), use sims.get_sim_id_by_name [PetFirstName] [PetLastName]. Congrats! GTA 5 cheats [equip/remove]_trait Ghost_Overheat to create or undo a Sim who has died of heat. If you want an unlimited supply of Galactic Credits, what you'll need to punch into the console. [ESC] zum Abbrechen und Schließen der Die Sims 4 Cheatkonsole drücken. Here's how to set them to your liking for your animal aficionados. Fabricate items at a reduced cost, Influential Individual: trait_Nature_InfluentialIndividual The Sims 4 cheats To enable TestingCheats, open the console with Left CTRL+Shift+C (press/hold with one fluid motion in that order) or by pressing all four shoulder buttons on console. To get the the id type the following in cheat console. Use ‘on’ to enable headline effects above … PC Gamer is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Instead, you’ll just enjoy the benefits that usually come at the end! NY 10036. Gain satisfaction when you gain Influence and get more gifts from other Sims, Eco-Engineer: trait_EcoEngineer Best Sims 4 expansions and game packs. Video Guide. headlineeffects on/off. Get Bits and Pieces: Shift + Click on your Sim, choose "Give Bucks" and choose Bits or Pieces to get 500 of either. How to Use Cheats in The Sims 4. Character Values. Tippe den Befehl „testingcheats true“ ein und bestätige die Eingabe mit der Enter-Taste. To use the cheat code to get a Twin or Triplet you will have to find your Sims ID Number. These are actually some of the easier Sims 4 cheats to use, because the options are not as varied as the skills cheat, for example. Sims 4 is a life simulation game, that was published by an American video games company "Electronic Arts". Enable Sims 4 Free Build Cheat. Related: The Sims 4: Snowy Escape - How to Activate a Lifestyle Some players have tried to use Custom Content to mod bunk beds into their game.Now, with the new platform tool in Build Mode, players can create their own bunk beds, or even build a loft bed with a desk underneath for their Discover University student Sim. After typing testingCheats true in the cheat console, Shift+Click on Sims and objects for the following effects: Spending all your money on groceries and bills is too much like real life. You should also be able to resurrect your pets with traits.remove_trait Ghost_OldAge [Pet ID]. Assassins Creed Valhalla schnell leveln: XP farmen, Assassins Creed Valhalla: Bücher des Wissens Fundorte. New York, Möchtest Du einen der beiden Cheat-Codes verwenden, dann musst Du diese erst einmal freischalten. Here's how to level up your Eco Lifestyle Skills: There are lots of new traits in the Eco Lifestyle expansion. Other Sims will be more Influenced by this Sim, Eco Master: trait_eco_master Why make your Sims start at the bottom when it's way more fun to start at the top? If you choose to use these tools, you won’t have to do any hard work when it comes to your career or business progress. careers.promote [career] and careers.remove [career] work in the same way to get a promotion or remove your Sim's job. As usual, use careers. Über welche Tastenkombination konnte man…, Wie funktioniert der Geld-Cheat in Die Sims 4 auf PS4 und Xbox One? For … Visit our corporate site. Once you have it typed or pasted in, press enter to submit the command. With testingCheats active, you'll be able to move Sims between families, fill up their needs and happiness bars, dirty or clean up objects, and teleport Sims anywhere you like, among a few others detailed below. Use careers.add_career [career] to add careers with names like "Actor", "Painter", "Writer", and so on. Play God without worrying about pesky little things like death. Substitute "Friendship" for "Romance" to change romantic relationship values. Type your chosen cheat codes into the text field that opens and press enter. Things have a way of going entirely sideways in The Sims 4 when you lose track of time. Here are some cheats to get you out of (or into, if that's your thing) sticky situations: To max out your Sim's skill in a specific area use stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10. Or, you know, live through each season in Live Mode but that would take way too long. Lauren Morton, Enter any of these Sims 4 money cheat keywords into the cheat console to instantly gain stacks of cash. Inspire other Sims to become Eco-conscious, Entrepreneur: trait_entrepreneur [add/remove]_career [Actor.DramaClub] if you've not started your path to stardom the non-cheat way. The aspiration feature is similar to lifetime wish in The Sims 3, and both aspiration and lifetime want in The Sims 2. Use traits. Nifty Knitting is now available. Oh, and you may want to improve your juicing too. The Eco Lifestyle expansion adds the new Sim careers as a Freelance Maker and Civil Designer and a couple skills that relate to each. For your child Sims, substitute with Skill_Child_[Creativity/Mental/Motor/Social] all of which also max out at 10. Right now there aren’t any Sentiment Cheats from Snowy Escape but I’ll be making sure to update you as soon as they surface. The best Sims 4 mods Remember to first use testingcheats true before the rest of these cheats! You can also turn a regular Sim into sun-killed vampire with traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun. This is a 18 digit long number. Ich meine bei Sims 3 war es so wenn man eine Verbesserung gemacht hatte, und eine andere wollte, war die erste Verbesserung hinfällig also nicht mehr vorhanden. You can use the following cheats to change your Sims' status in the Vet career path: traits.equip_trait Ghost_OldAge [Pet ID] will turn your pet into a ghost if you are either an absolute monster or (spoiler alert) attempting an elaborate Sim version of John Wick. Hat sich an den Befehlen zwischenzeitlich etwas geändert oder gibt es neue Cheats für die Zufriedenheitspunkte und Belohnungspunkte in Die Sims 4? The character values have values, with -100 being the most negative one and 100 being the most positive one. Dachte das wäre bei Sims 4 auch so. Inspire fabrication recipes in other Sims. A complete list with all cheats for The Sims 4 . Aber wenn dem nicht so ist, werde ich das mal so versuchen. Wer schon einmal Die Sims 4 gespielt hat, der wird sicher auch schon den einen oder anderen Cheat-Code verwendet haben. sims.give_satisfaction_points X – Belohnungspunkte für den gerade aktiven Sim, das X muss durch die Anzahl der Punkte ersetzt werden. In the Sims 4 Vampire expansion, you can kill your fanged sims with stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100. Dazu musst Du die Cheat-Konsole öffnen und die Cheats über den Befehl „testingcheats true“ (ohne Anführungszeichen) aktivieren. Don't forget to press “Enter” after typing in a cheat… Last up, you might want one of the special traits that your Sims can have as part of Get Famous. Trackbacks/Pingbacks. All Vet Clinic Cheats for The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs. Positive values will increase a relationship, while using a negative value (ex: -100) will decrease it. For cheats marked as "shift click," you'll first need to type "testingCheats [true/false]" into the cheat menu. Shift+Click cheats for Discover University. You can also use careers. Cheat in die erscheinende Leiste (Cheatkonsole) links oben auf dem Bildschirm eingeben und mit [ENTER] bestätigen. How to Enable Cheats. Once you enable Sims 4 cheats, your toolset as a creator can truly open up. Jetzt kannst Du alle möglichen Cheat-Codes eingeben, unter anderem auch den Belohnungspunkte-Cheat. Change your Sim's faction reputation: Shift+Click your Sim, choose Batuu Cheats, then Batuu Reputation. Get promoted in any of the school-specific careers and part time jobs. Möchtest Du einen der beiden Cheat-Codes verwenden, dann musst Du diese erst einmal freischalten. Wie genau dieser funktioniert und wo Du den Cheat eingeben musst, dass zeigen wir in diesem Guide. To enable Sims 4 cheats, press Ctrl + Shift + C while in game to open the cheat console. The Sims 4's sci-fi pack is a Star Wars-themed expansion on the world of Batuu. How to do you enter cheats in The Sims 4? By Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats In the cheat console you can enter traits.equip_trait [trait code] with any of the following trait codes: Champion of the People: trait_ChampionOfThePeople The basic Sims 4 experience is great and all, but why be bound by the limitations of mere mortals? New features in the Sims 4 June 2020 The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Guide Eco Footprint: How it Works Neighborhood Action Plans How to Cheat in Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Thankfully, there are relationship cheats for The Sims 4 that you can use to skip the process of gaining these relationships organically. Max out your Lightsaber skill by punching in the following code: As you can probably tell, your Lightsaber skill is actually drawn from your general Fitness stat, so that's what you want to max out to become a master Jedi. Welchen Cheat-Code…, Du willst unendlich Geld im LS19? Read more at Sims 4 Enable Cheats. After your Sims are all skilled up, you can also give them free promotions or add new careers. The tables below include Official and Non-Official Sims 4 Skill Cheats, Sims 4 Career Cheats, Sims 4 Perk Cheats, Sims 4 Relationship Cheats, Sims 4 Trait Cheats, Sims 4 Money Cheats, Sims 4 Build Cheats, Sims 4 Emotions Cheats, The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Cheats, The Sims 4 Get To Work Cheats, The Sims 4 Dine Out Cheats, and The Sims 4 Restaurant Perk Cheats. With it, you can age up or age down your characters, dictate precisely how old they will be, and what they will look like at a specific age. The most recent Sims 4 expansion, Island Living, has plenty of cheats for altering the new careers and traits that it adds. Use seasons.set_season [#] to change it at will. Wie kann man die Zufriedenheitspunkte auffüllen, Belohnungspunkte bekommen und damit dann etwas im Belohnungen-Store freischalten? It's unclear what cheats don't work at this point (The official Sims 4 FAQ said not all cheats work with the console version), but most do.. This is one of the most desired building cheat in Sims 4. To save your Sims from death entirely, use death.toggle [true/false]. Some are from the character creator, and others from completing tasks in the expansion. You'll also want to set your skill levels for the Get Famous pack if you're in a bind. This list contains The Sims 4 Seasons cheats, The Sims 4 City Living cheats, The Sims 4 Get Together cheats, The Sims 4 Get to Work cheats, The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat cheats and The Sims 4 Spa Day cheats… You can do this by first opening up the cheat dialogue box by hitting ctrl + shift + c on your keyboard. Komorebi. If the commands above don't work, trying adding the word Adult before Major. Sims 4 skills cheats: The basics and turning cheats on. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer, Total War: Warhammer 3 is going to be absolutely massive, Gearbox has been bought by Embracer Group in $1.3 billion deal, Best external SSD for gaming on PC and next-gen consoles, Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood review, Stats.Set_Skill_Level Major_RockClimbing 10, Stats.Set_Skill_Level Major_Snowboarding 10. In the Seasons expansion there are a few ways to kill and resurrect your sims with seasonal effects. To remove a trait, type Traits.Remove_Trait followed by one of the codes below. Substitute "Major_Logic" for any of the following other skills: Fallout 4 cheats There's always our roundup of the best Sims 4 mods. If you are simming on PS4 or Xbox One, you should hold down all the triggers at the same time to get into testing cheats mode. Get promoted in any of the island-specific careers and part time jobs: Use trait. This will let you set your allegiance with the First Order and Resistance, but be aware that gaining positive rep in one means negative rep in the other. The following clothing cheat will unlock the full catalog of Journey to Batuu items, but know that you'll have to punch it in either in Create A Sim or the Dwelling in Batuu. You can also Shift + Click on your Fabrication Machines and choose "Give Bits and Pieces" to get 50 of each. Thank you for signing up to PC Gamer. PC achievements can still be earned with cheats enabled. Cyberpunk 2077 Download geht nicht und hängt: Was tun? Of course you can also set the value to something other than 10 if you don't want to max it out. Here are all the traits you can equip in Seasons: Sims 4: Cats & Dogs adds the Veterinarian career and several pet-related traits. Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. Become focused while creating better products in the juice Fizzer, Master Crafter: trait_makerNPC If you need more specific friendship (and romance) control, use the following to add and subtract from relationships between two Sims: modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] 100 LTR_Friendship_Main. To turn cheats on in The Sims 4, you first need to open the cheats console. Every Sims 4 cheat for each expansion, all in one convenient place. These Sims like taking chances on investments, Afizzionado: trait_Fizzyhead So, the cheats in The Sims 4: Get to Work are here to help you skip all the mundane and boring things and be successful right from the get-go. They'll gather these naturally as they move through their career, but if you don't want to wait for them to accumulate, you can go ahead and use a cheat to obtain an unlimited amount of them.