European Partnerships bring the European Commission and private and/or public partners together to address additional challenges through concerted research and innovation initiatives, on top of the challenges addressed by Horizon Europe. European Partnerships in Horizon Europe Programme. The Horizon Europe proposal lays down the conditions and principles for establishing European Partnerships. The European Partnerships in Horizon Europe Artificial intelligence, Data and Robotics (2):. Read the draft partnerships legislation Legislation 1 The current list of candidate European Partnerships is found in Annex 7 of the Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe. The involvement of the Union in European Partnerships may take any of the following forms: … (b) Participation in and financial contribution to a … Identifying European Partnerships is an integral part of Horizon Europe’s strategic planning process. Co-funded European Partnerships Article 8 Horizon Europe regulation: 1. Under Horizon Europe partnerships are expected to establish formal and regular collaboration with other relevant research and innovation initiatives. How are EU Partnerships in Horizon Europe different? #HorizonEU Maria Leek (Reinfeldt) Unit A4 Missions & Partnerships, DG Research and Innovation. With the current Horizon 2020 programme finishing at the end of 2020, there is currently no confirmation of what partnerships will be funded in Horizon Europe. In this context, EGVI has been heavily involved in the preparation of a new partnership – 2Zero, Towards Zero emission road transport – to contribute to meet the … They are about creating synergies and promoting interconnectivity in the spirit of … These partnerships require legislative proposals from the Commission and are based on a Council Regulation (Article 187) or a Decision by the European Parliament and Council (Article 185). [1] Table source:; Also read this report for more detailed information about the partnerships candidate and the synergies:, [2] CF: Co-funded European Partnerships; CP: Co-programmed European Partnerships; CF/CP: Either implemented as CF or CP; CF (CP): Most likely implemented as CF, maybe as CP; A185/A187: Institutionalised European Partnerships. partnerships based on Articles 185 / 187 of TFEU and the EIT-Regulation supported by Horizon Europe New generation of objective-driven and more ambitious partnerships in support of agreed EU policy objectives Key features Simple architecture and toolbox Coherent life … This will ensure alignment with the programme’s priorities. ERRIN has actively participated in shaping this new partnership and has also been invited to play a role in it. For institutionalised partnerships, the Commission has published inception impact assessments to inform citizens and stakeholders about the Commission's plans. They do not reflect the final position of the Commission. They are based on memoranda of understanding and/or contractual arrangements. Following steps:. In Horizon Europe’s terminology, institutionalised partnerships are long-term partnerships set up through dedicated EU legislation – meaning the strategic plan alone does not establish them. Research partnerships, particularly those involving industry, take up billions in EU research funds. This must be reflected in their governance models and joint actions. The aim is to deliver on global challenges and industrial modernisation through concerted research and innovation efforts. The Partnership gathers - on the public side - the European Commission and - on the private side - all the interested stakeholders of the European battery community, regrouped in BEPA. European Partnerships 1. Draft proposal for a European Partnership under Horizon Europe. The aim of European partnerships with EU and associated countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders is to deliver on global challenges and modernise industry. The following are the candidate partnerships in the area of health. We present the logic, structure and show examples what type of projects can be financed and how. There are 3 types. They are implemented by dedicated structures created for that purpose. This will ensure alignment with the programme’s priorities. Several categories of these Partnerships can be of great interest for the EO services sector industry. Partnerships involving EU countries, with research funders and other public authorities at the core of the consortium. 2 Inception impact assessment are preliminary ones to see at an early stage if a partnership is feasible. European Partnerships –. EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) are also institutionalised partnerships. EIT KICs aim to address skills shortages ands are already established under Horizon 2020. 2Zero – A Draft Proposal for a new European Partnership. The involvement of the Union in European Partnerships may take any of the following forms: … (b) Participation in and financial contribution to a programme of research European Partnerships a new approach to European cooperation. BackgroundIn autumn 2019, the Commission asked potential partners to further elaborate proposals for thecandidate European Partnerships identified during the strategic planning of Horizon Europe. It will be adopted according to the decisions on the MFF (multiannual financial framework), Horizon Europe negotiations and in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Identifying European Partnerships is an integral part of Horizon Europe’s strategic planning process. The following are the candidate partnerships in the area of climate, energy and mobility. They are a key implementation tool of Horizon Europe, and contribute significantly to achieving the EU’s political priorities. Horizon Europe will support European Partnerships to deliver on global challenges and industrial modernisation through concerted R&I effort with the Member States, private sector, foundations and other stakeholders. Partnerships in Horizon Europe. European Partnerships European Partnerships are initiatives in which the EU Commission and private and/or public partners commit themselves to jointly support the development and implementation of a research and innovation program. The portfolio of European Partnerships includes 49 candidates which have now been taken into the next step of preparations. The partnership will boost new markets, applications and attract investment, to create technical, economic and societal value for business, citizens and the environment. The EU, European Member States and private companies have teamed up to boost economic competitiveness, create jobs and stimulate growth through seven public-private partnerships. The following documents guide the work on coherence and synergies by laying down the overall framework and building on the lessons learned from the analysis of the draft proposals from partners. Aligned with the European Green Deal targets, the partnership supports EU leadership in transforming the steel industry into a carbon-neutral one, serving as a catalyser for other strategic sectors. By bringing private and public partners together, European Partnerships help to avoid the duplication of investments and contribute to reducing the fragmentation of the research and innovation landscape in the EU. The full impact assessments will be published at the time that the Commission adopts the legislative proposals. Please accept our cookies or read our Privacy policy. Horizon Europe public-private partnerships slowly taking shape. partnerships based on Articles 185 / 187 of TFEU and the EIT-Regulation supported by Horizon Europe New generation of objective-driven and more ambitious partnerships in support of agreed EU policy objectives Key features Simple architecture and toolbox Coherent life … European Partnership for transforming Europe's rail system The aim is to deliver on global challenges and industrial modernisation through concerted research and innovation efforts. They are also an implementation tool of Horizon Europe, but not all players know about these. The table below shows the partnership candidates for the clusters “Digital, Industry and space”, “Climate, energy and Mobility”, “Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment” and the two other pillars (“Innovative SMEs” and “European Science Cloud”). These partnerships aim at developing the European Research Area and they gather representatives from different entities. To deliver the greatest benefit to Europe from AI, data and robotics,... Carbon-neutral and circular industry:. By Nicholas Wallace. Key partners in EIT KICs are higher education institutions, research organisations, companies and other stakeholders. Environmental observations for a sustainable EU agriculture: This partnership will provide an overarching platform and process to underpin the needed transition to sustainable food systems, provide solutions to the Farm to Fork strategy4 by connecting national, regional and European research and innovation programmes and food systems actors, to deliver co-benefits for nutrition, climate, circularity and communities (5). Results from the structured consultation of EU countries are summarised in the report European Partnerships under Horizon Europe: results of the structured consultation of Member States. European Partnerships bring the European Commission and private and/or public partners together to address some of Europe’s most pressing challenges through concerted research and innovation initiatives. With a proposed budget of nearly 100 billion Euro, the next Framework Programme – Horizon Europe (2021 – 2027) represents the largest collaborative multinational research and innovation (R&I) investment in Europe. The European Commission (EC) has updated its dedicated webpage on the European Partnerships, which is an integral part of the first Strategic Planning process for the Horizon Europe Programme, the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027). This will ensure alignment with the programme’s priorities. They also provide an overview of the current status of potential synergies among European Partnerships and other EU programmes. The Programme will promote a more strategic, ambitious and impact-oriented approach to European Partnerships to ensure that they are effectively contributing to the … Public-private research projects, including newly agreed efforts on water transport, smart cities and antimicrobial resistance, are taking … The full list of candidate European Partnerships in Horizon Europe is found in Annex 7 of the Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe. Since Autumn 2019, the European Commission, Members States and stakeholders have been working on elaborating proposals for candidate European Partnerships identified during the strategic planning of Horizon Europe. Research and innovation partnerships have been introduced into the European R&I landscape with the aim to develop the European Research Area (ERA). C o - fundedBased on a joint programme agreed by partners (Grant Agreement); MS/ACs design a common programme to be implemented under their responsibility. Types of partnerships, how partnerships are being identified, candidates for partnerships, contact details, impact assessments. As Mariya Gabriel said: “European Partnerships are our opportunity to work together to respond and shape the profound economic and social transformations, for the benefit of all EU citizens.”. Virtually all current joint undertakings are slated to continue in some form, alongside new partnerships on driverless cars, space, and clean steel. 12 / 06 / 2020. The first wave of European Partnerships in Horizon Europe will start with the work programmes 2021/ 2022. These texts reflect the situation as of October 2020 and will be used as a basis for further development of collaboration among partnerships. The Horizon Europe proposal lays down the conditions and principles for establishing European Partnerships. The indicative timeline below shows the process of their implementation. public–private partnerships | horizon 2020. EIT, DEP, space) In Horizon Europe, Partnerships are more ambitious, have clear 2030 objectives and … The common understanding published on 27th March 2019 confirms the new policy approach on partnerships. Co-programmed European Partnerships European partnerships. The full list of candidate European Partnerships in Horizon Europe is found in Annex 7 of theOrientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe. Read the Commission documents. The final ambition is to reduce CO2 emissions by 80-95% by 2050, ultimately achieving carbon neutrality. 49 partnerships will be connected to Horizon Europe. According to the political agreement between the Council and European Parliament, “European Partnerships shall be established for addressing European or global challenges only in cases where they will more effectively achieve objectives of Horizon Europe than the Union alone and when compared to other Horizon Europe missions and partnerships will also address United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, such as food and water security, health for … Home » European Partnerships in Horizon Europe. The Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) is the private side association of the Batteries European Partnership under Horizon Europe. A common understanding was reached between the Romanian presidency of the Council and the European Parliament on the majority of the operative provisions of Horizon Europe. There are clear targets and objectives and the approach to Partnerships follows the same line. The Commission services identified these candidates for European Partnerships as part of the first Strategic Planning of Horizon Europe (2021- Find out more about European Partnerships in our infographic. Jean Eric Paquet, … Research partnerships, particularly those involving industry, take up billions in EU research funds. In this context, EGVI has been heavily involved in the preparation of a new partnership – 2Zero, Towards Zero … Partnerships in Horizon Europe A common understanding was reached between the Romanian presidency of the Council and the European Parliament on the majority of the operative provisions of Horizon Europe. Co-funded European Partnerships Article 8 Horizon Europe regulation: 1. UK associating to Horizon Europe 12 January 2021 As part of the UK Government’s recent announcement confirming the EU/UK ‘trade and cooperation agreement’, the UK will associate to the EU’s €95.5B seven year Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, which is expected to officially launch in February 2021. There are three different types of European Partnerships: co-programmed European Partnerships (between the commission and private and/or public actors), co-funded European Partnerships using aprogramme co-fund action (between EU countries, research funders and other public authorities) andinstitutionalised European Partnerships (in which the EU participates in research and innovationfunding programmes undertaken by EU countries). An open public consultation covering all institutionalised partnerships candidates based on Articles 185 and 187 was carried out between September and November. In line with the better regulation agenda, the Commission carried out impact assessments that helped identify the candidates for partnerships. The Partnership gathers - on the public side - the European Commission and - on the private side - all the interested stakeholders of the European battery community, regrouped in BEPA. By Goda Naujokaitytė. Japan eyes possible €10M a year for Horizon Europe partnerships Japanese vice minister hopes for a deal with Brussels by April – but terms ‘might take some time.’ The key aim for Tokyo is increasing R&D cooperation with EU one way or another A HISTORY WITH A BRIGHT FUTURE, Autumn 2020: Adoption of COM proposals for Article 185/187 initiatives6 (timing depends on sufficient progress on MFF, the formal commitments received by Member States), Q1/2021: publication of Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021/2022 including co-programmed and co-funded European Partnerships, Q2/2021: adoption of Article 185 and 187 basic acts by European Parliament and Council. Artificial intelligence, Data and Robotics (2): To deliver the greatest benefit to Europe from AI, data and robotics, this partnership will drive innovation, acceptance and uptake of these technologies. The Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) is the private side association of the Batteries European Partnership under Horizon Europe. Since Autumn 2019, the European Commission, Members States and stakeholders have been working on elaborating proposals for candidate European Partnerships identified during the strategic planning of Horizon Europe. “Smart Networks in the context of NGI” (September 2020) SRIA Annex – Smart Networks in the context of NGI. Identifying European Partnerships is an integral part of Horizon Europe’s strategic planning process. With the current Horizon 2020 programme finishing at the end of 2020, there is currently no confirmation of what partnerships will be funded in Horizon Europe. More details emerge of 44 possible Horizon Europe partnerships. The common understanding published on 27th March 2019 confirms the new policy approach on partnerships. Why is it relevant for the EO services industry?The aim of the European Partnerships with EU and associated countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders is to deliver on global challenges and modernise industry. European Partnerships bring the European Commission and private and/or public partners together to address additional challenges through concerted research and innovation initiatives, on top of the challenges addressed by Horizon Europe. Horizon Europe, as a programme, is overall more impact-focused than Horizon 2020. Horizon Europe supports European partnerships in which the EU, national authorities and/or the private sector jointly commit to support the development and implementation of a programme of research and innovation activities. By 2027 it will implement at least 2 demonstration projects leading to a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions and achieve technology readiness level 8 by 2030 in at least 12 areas funded by the partnership3. “Smart Networks and Services” (Version 30 June 2020) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2021-27. They are a key implementation tool of Horizon Europe, and contribute significantly to achieving the EU’s political priorities. Partnerships will complement Horizon Europe programme. We will follow closely the different steps of the implementation of these European Partnerships in order to identify opportunities for the EO services sector and come back to you with more detailed information when relevant! Drawing upon Horizon 2020 interim evaluations, the European Commission outlines its new approach for managing partnerships under Horizon Europe. Parts of Horizon Europe may be implemented through European Partnerships. Parts of Horizon Europe may be implemented through European Partnerships. Horizon Europe will support European partnerships with EU countries — the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders. Parts of Horizon Europe may be implemented through European Partnerships. These can be found on the Have your say website. Horizon Europe will support European partnerships with EU countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders. More information about the EU partnering with industry. However, the new information hints at how the commission’s plans are shaping up. Through partnerships with the private sector, Horizon 2020 pools Europe’s resources to tackle the biggest challenges, support competitiveness, deliver high quality jobs, and encourage greater private investment in research and innovation. La Commissione europea ha pubblicato le proposte dettagliate delle 49 future European Partnerships del programma Horizon Europe, ovvero partenariati tra paesi europei e paesi associati, fondazioni, settore privato e altri attori per affrontare le sfide attuali e modernizzare l'industria europea.. Di seguito l'elenco completo, suddiviso per cluster tematico: 25-06-2020. The aim of European partnerships with EU and associated countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders is to deliver on global challenges and modernise industry. In line with the better regulation agenda, the Commission carried out impact assessments that helped identify the candidates for partnerships. European Partnership for EU-Africa Global Health. This website uses cookies to collect analytical data to enhance your browsing experience. Horizon Europe’s next generation European partnerships, This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, Partnership candidates and contact details, Coherence and synergies of partnership candidates, Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe, European Partnerships under Horizon Europe: results of the structured consultation of Member States, food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment, Report on coherence and synergies among partnerships, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, About the European Commission's web presence, Follow the European Commission on social media. 10 July 2014 Diabetes, hydrogen vehicles among targets at EUR 1 bn launch of EU-industry partnerships. for European Partnerships as part of a strategic coordinating process to ensure their early involvement in the prioritisation and definition of objectives and scope. In line with the better regulation agenda, the Commission carried out impact assessments that helped identify the candidates for partnerships.