Mensa Webmail Join the Zoom-Meeting Mo 12.04.2021 fro, 9:45 pm on ILIAS Als eine der größen Hochschulen Europas arbeitet sie in Forschung und Lehre auch international auf höchstem Niveau. Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. Fakultäten Student account. Its central campus location and its strong focus on internationalisation, with over 450 guest students per year, make it an ideal place for an exchange term or a short-term stay. The WiSo Faculty in numbers . State as of: 07.07.2020 OpenDC v6.1.2. December 2019, Collaboration with Regional Research Institutions, Liaison officers for student discrimination issues, Arriving by Train for Persons with Disabilities, Arriving by Train for People with Disabilities, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, German Rectors' Conference Audit Internationalization, German Rectors' Conference Communication Prize. CEMS Office - Programme Manager - Incoming students - Corporate relations. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche FakultätRechtswissenschaftliche FakultätMedizinische FakultätPhilosophische FakultätMathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche FakultätHumanwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Schnellzugriff Bibliothek Please note: Transmission of your application documents by uni-assist does not guarantee admission. 2 talking about this. CampusGrüne Kiel, Kiel, Germany. If your application meets the requirements of the language course, uni-assist will forward it electronically to TH Köln. Webmaster Press Releases. Bestellung und Download. © 2003-2021 Open Distributed Campus. Install a VPN client on your computer which connects to the University network. It was the sixth university to be established in Central Europe and, although it closed in 1798 before being re-established in 1919, it is now one of the largest universities in Germany with more than 48,000 students. Top University of Cologne Albertus Magnus Platz 50923 Cologne Phone: +49 221 470-0 GPS navigation coordinates: N 50*55.692', E 006*55.741' The University of Cologne is a university in Cologne, Germany. Studierendensekretariat Schnellzugriff ... Kobe University acts as a ‘hub campus’ that attracts talented personnel from around the world and equips students with an international perspective. Postal Address. The decision as to whether you will be admitted to the German course B1/B2 is made by TH Köln. State as of: 07.07.2020 OpenDC v6.1.2. En el año 1977, la universidad pudo instalarse en su sede actual, el edificio de la Krahnenbäumen 87. Thanks to the Cologne Summer School program for the first time I felt that I am part of an intercultural activity. La escuela tenía matriculados en 2012 a 1.188 alumnos en Colonia, 172 en Wuppertal y … 1,785 likes. Grüne Hochschulgruppe an der CAU Kiel. Further information, The diverse University institutions generally set their own opening and office hours. Visit to learn more. DeutschDeutschEnglish, University of CologneAlbertus Magnus Platz50923 ColognePhone: +49 221 470-0GPS navigation coordinates: N 50*55.692', E 006*55.741', Overview of parking on and around campus.Further information, The map offers an overview over the UoC’s buildings and facilities. English University of Cologne device configuration for 802.1x (PEAP, TLS, TTLS) connections. Students and employees of the University of Cologne can use services of the university network from outside the campus, if they have VPN access. Wir sind die Liberale Hochschulgruppe der Uni Köln. En general, ¿cómo es la Universidad de Colonia? Campus Garten an der Uni Köln, Köln, Deutschland (Cologne, Germany). wiso-freemover Terminkalender 3 personas han estado aquí. Kontakt Anreise, Pläne, Parken, Nachhaltige Zukunft durch Künstliche Intelligenz, ExpertInnenstatement zur Diskussion um gendergerechte Sprache, Weitere Nachrichten & Aktuelles aus der Universität, MitarbeiterInnen- und Führungskräfteberatung, Zur Übersichtsseite Albertus Magnus Center, Graduiertenschulen & ­ Promotionsprogramme, Interne Forschungsförderung und Auszeichnungen, Eingeschriebene internationale Studierende. change language SoSe 2021: Mo 12.04.2021 10 pm via ZOOM Welcome and Introduction to the Course Programme. Sprache wechseln Bitte authentifzieren Sie sich dort mit Ihrem Studierenden-Account der Universität zu Köln. 50676 Köln Vertreten durch: Axel Claas E-Mailadresse: Registergericht & Registernummer: Amtsgericht Köln: VR 18582 Inhaltlich verantwortlich: Second Bandshirt e.V., Adresse wie … Grüne Hochschulgruppe an der CAU Kiel. Unsere Philosophie: Die besten Angebote von Studenten für Studenten! wiso-outgoings As a student at the University of Cologne, your student account will be generated automatically.When you enrol at the university, you will receive a PIN number which you can use with your matriculation number to activate your student account.. From this point onwards, you will need to use this account to access many services at the university. Uni Köln International (UKI) is optimized for MS Internet Explorer 9 and above versions, Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera 25 and above versions. There were people from China, Iran, US, Canada and many more with whom I had the chance to exchange knowledge in different fields. We also inform German students about going abroad for a university semester or an internship and about potential ways of funding their stay. Regionales Rechenzentrum If you have any questions, you can contact the Business English team via wirtschaftsenglisch Una universidad multicultural y hospitalaria donde puedes combinar perfectamente tus estudios con el tiempo libre, porque Colonia es la ciudad de los jóvenes y todas las posibilidades de ocio que puedas imaginar.... por Marta en Experiencias Erasmus UNI-KOELN, … Entre 1987 y 2009 se llamó Hochschule für Musik Köln, y hoy es la Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln. 127 were here. Verwaltung Die Bestellung und der Download der Software erfolgt über das Portal: zib Incomings Team: Jens Funk Ana Golemi Christoph Karl Natasha Turner-7969-1280-2779-7066: incomings Over 8,500 degree-seeking students; 450 guest students per year; The University of Cologne was a university of excellence as part of the German Universities Excellence Initiative from 2012 to 2019. © 2003-2021 Open Distributed Campus. Click here for a list of the central buildings’ opening hours.Further informationen, Created: 27. Webmaster Exceptions to this basic rule are, for example, the auditoriums and lecture rooms of the Institutes for Physics and Chemistry. 10.12.2020 New edition of the CEMS Magazine. The International Office provides advice and support for international students on all aspects related to studying at TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences. 975 likes. Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript in Ihrem Browser! JavaScript has to be activated (ECMAScript >= 5.1). Founded in 1388, the University of Cologne is one of the oldest universities in Germany. Powered by SecureW2. Die Universität zu Köln ist eine Hochschule mit dem klassischen Fächerspektrum einer Volluniversität. Click on a building to find out the institution and address.Further information, In order to find the right auditorium or seminar room in the central buildings you simply have to follow this rule: rooms bearing Roman numerals are in most cases located in the Main Building (Hauptgebäude) or the building of the Management, Economics and Social Sciences Faculty (WiSo-Gebäude); auditoriums featuring letters are situated in the Lecture Building (Hörsaalgebäude), whereas rooms with an “S” plus Arabic numerals are in the building of the Arts and Humanities Faculty (Philosophikum), and those with an “R” plus Arabic numerals are found on the premises of the Faculty of Education. With more than 50.000 enrolled students, it is also currently one of the largest German universities. May 2015, changed:  2. VPN access at the University of Cologne. Conoce a estudiantes de UNI-KOELN, Universität zu Köln. English, Fakultäten At the moment over 5.000 international students are enrolled at the University of Cologne both as degree seeking students and exchange students. ERASMUS® is a registered trademark owned by the European Union and represented by the European Commission. 23 Mar 2020 University of Cologne to launch the new Master’s Degree Programme ‘Sociology: Social and Economic Psychology’ 08 Mar 2021 Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite.