MySQL also supports comments from the hash (#) character to the end of the line. QDoc-style (Qt) comment blocks. This tutorial is going to show you how to add and use comments in PHP, HTML, CSS, JS files. Use /*! This is an assurance that the comment was not entered via an automated CURL/WGET to the wp-comments-post.php … From a # character to the end of the line.. From a -- sequence to the end of the line. Depending on your choice, PhpStorm will create the required tags or add an empty … To document function "foo()", place the DocBlock immediately before the function declaration: /** Similarly, if you’re adding a code snippet that could go in your child theme’s functions.php file, the free Code Snippets plugin makes a great option. The format is the same as * Docblock Comments except there is only one asterisk at the For documentation comments, PhpStorm provides completion that is enabled by default. PHP For, ForEach, While, Do While loop Once we have determined that a particular IP address is worthy of banishment, we generally invoke the magical powers of htaccess to lock the gates. Comment extension. Or, if the comment block appears at the end of the batch file: @ECHO OFF REM Do something • • REM End of code; use GOTO:EOF instead of EXIT for Windows NT and later EXIT Start of comment block at end of batch file This line is comment. When htaccess is not available, we may summon the versatile functionality of PHP to get the job done. Multiline comment decoration. DocBlocks precede the element they are documenting. While inside the comment block, the extension will insert an asterisk at the start of every new line, and align the comment, respecting indentation. Warning: This page has been moved here Please do not edit this page, use edit on the new page.. WordPress uses a customized documentation schema that draws inspiration from PHPDoc PHPDoc (docblock, inline docs), an evolving standard for providing documentation to PHP PHP The web scripting language in which WordPress is primarily architected. While this is the format commonly used in configuration files and shell scripts – most notably on Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems – other languages may use other comment formats. Comments in HTML or PHP pages (outside of the PHP code) look like this: